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Anugraha Social Welfare Society (ASWS) Activity Report 2021-22

Anugraha Social Welfare Society (ASWS) is a registered non-profit organization (Reg. DRS/SGR/53/2017-18) under the Karnataka Societies Registration Act 1960. Started with the charity approach, ASWS in is journey to development, traversed through the welfare approach, then changing the course to people centered approach and finally reaching to Human Rights Based approach. The organization is part of various NGO network like; Malnad Social Service Society, Karnataka Regional Organization for Social Services, Caritas India...Etc., Advocacy, lobbying addressing regional issues, environmental problems, gender concerns and child rights are areas of its focus. The activities of ASWS are spread mainly in the two districts of Karnataka; namely Shivamogga and Chickmangalore. The main focus of the organization is the empowerment and improvement in the quality of the poor and other vulnerable sections in society like women, widows, elder persons, differently-abled, rural children and farmers through the formation of Self-Help Groups (SHGs). The following are the main activities undertaken during 2021-22. Mazdur Suraksha Yojana: It is a Central Government Pension Scheme for the unorganized sector. We have around 375 registered members in this group and many are getting benefit from this scheme. This year 276 of them re-registered under this scheme and 23 of them got pension. Sparsha Cancer Awareness Program: This program is envisaged in order to spread the evil effects of modern lifestyles and to reduce the risk of deadly sickness called cancer. Awareness programs, detention camps and follow up actions are taken up during the year. Awareness programs are arranged in different Schools and Colleges as well as SHG groups. Organic Farming and Kitchen Garden: Awareness programs and trainings are organized among the SHG groups and villages regarding the need to go for organic farming. People are getting aware of it and each family is trying to develop a mall kitchen garden each for their daily needs and by which they can get chemical free vegetables. Educational Support Programs: We tried to help 47 children in rural villages like Iduvally, Induvally and Bhadravathi to get admitted in schools and they were provided with uniforms, books and stationery items. Follow up is done regarding their performance in the school and their steady progress is assessed. The needed children are provided with tuition as well as supervised study. Career Guidance Workshop for Teenagers: ASWS organized one-day Career Guidance Workshop to direct students towards a bright career. Fr. Abraham Areeparambil (Executive Secretary,ASWS) inaugurated the programme held at Bodhana Pastoral Center. Career guidance expert Mr. Jomy Mathew, Prof. Varghese and Dr. Lilly Paul led the input session, Career exhibition and Yoga class respectively. 110 children participated and enriched from this program. Covid-19 Relief Works: ASWS involved much in the covid relief works as well as in spreading the good will and support for government sponsored covid vaccine. We coordinated with Health departments and made arrangement for health check ups and vaccine drive. Though there was covid-19 impact we tried ourselves with the above programs and ASWS wish to thank all who supported these activities.

ASWS Activity Report 2020-21

Anugraha Social Welfare Society (ASWS) Anugraha Social Welfare Society (ASWS) is a registered non-profit organization (Reg. DRS/SGR/53/2017-18) under the Karnataka Societies Registration Act 1960. Started with the charity mode, ASWS moved in to welfare and developmental approach. The organization is part of various NGO network like; Malnad Social Service Society, Karnataka Regional Organization for Social Services, Caritas India...Etc., Advocacy, lobbying addressing regional issues, environmental problems, gender concerns and child rights are areas of its focus. ASWS is stretching mainly in two districts of Karnataka; namely Shivamogga and Chickmangalore. All the activities are focused on the empowerment of women and children, improvement in the quality of life of the poor and other vulnerable sections in society like women, widows, elder persons, differently-abled, rural children and farmers through the formation of Self-Help Groups (SHGs). The following are the main activities undertaken during 2020-21. 1. Covid-1 9 Relief Works: The year was very fearful as the impact of Covid-19 was very severe and the lock down and its related activities were tough and dangerous. There was fear everywhere and the staff of ASWS plunged in to action by providing tele-counselling and consoling words. We got special permission to visit the stranded people and provide them with basic medical items, and ration kits were provided. We also provided the stranded migrants with coked food. Though some of our staff also were diagnosed with covid, they did not deter from helping the needy. 2. Mazdur Suraksha Yojana: It is a Central Government Pension Scheme for the unorganized sector. We have around 375 registered members in this group and many are getting benefit from this scheme. Due to the impact of covid 19 only 223 of them re-registered under this scheme and 12 of them got pension. 3. Sparsha Cancer Awareness Program: This special program is to caution the people of the various reasons why people get cancer. This deadly sickness kills the person and the family. Hence cautious preventive measures are to be taken to refrain from this sickness. Thus, this program is having its long-term impact and due to covid-19, the awareness programs were limited, but the time was used for covid awareness also. 4. Educational Support Programs: This year we helped some 43 children in rural villages such as Induvally, Iduvally, Umblebylu and Bhadravathi to get admitted in schools and they were provided with uniforms, books and stationery items. Follow up is done regarding their performance in the school and their steady progress is assessed. The needed children are provided with tuition as well as supervised study. 5. Career Guidance Workshop for Teenagers: ASWS usually organizes several Career Guidance Workshop to direct students towards a bright career. But this year, due to covid-19, we could organize only two such seminars. In spite of the covid outburst ASWS managed to go ahead with various programs aimed at helping the poor and the neglected. People in general including the different departments were very appreciative on the activities taken up by ASWS. A special word of thanks to all who involved in the various activities of ASWS.

Activity Report 2019-20

Anugraha Social Welfare Society (ASWS) Anugraha Social Welfare Society (ASWS) was started in the year 2017 and got it registered under the Karnataka Societies Registration Act 1960 with Reg. DRS/SGR/53/2017-18). It was started for charity purpose and slowly switched over to human developmental activities which will have long term impact. This organization involves itself in collaboration with other NGOs like; Malnad Social Service Society, Karnataka Regional Organization for Social Services, Caritas India...Etc., The activities of ASWS are spread mainly in the two districts of Karnataka; namely Shivamogga and Chickmangalur. Empowerment and improvement in the quality in the life of the poor and other vulnerable sections in society is the main focus of the activities. Special programs are organized for poor women, widows, elder persons, differently-abled, rural children and farmers. The main activities undertaken during the year 2019-20 are enumerated below: 1. Sparsha Cancer Awareness Program: Cancer is an ailment that no one wants to be contracted with. But today many in Karnatake are affected and are victims of this deadly sickness. Modern lifestyle is one of the reasons for cancer apart from the genetical disorders. Use of pesticides and chemicals have a vital role for developing cancer. Hence ASWS has taken up this program to sensitize people about the various impacts of this sickness. Orientation programs, awareness programs and motivational classes by warriors in cancer were the highlights of this program during this year. 2. Educational Support Programs: ASWS helped during this year around 32 children in Bhadravathi, Iduvally, Induvally and Bhadravathi connected with SGH members to get admitted in schools and they were provided with uniforms, books and stationery items. Follow up is done regarding their performance in the school and their steady progress is assessed. The needed children are provided with tuition as well as supervised study. 3. Career Guidance Workshop for Teenagers: ASWS is concerned about the future of the youth and hence proper orientation regarding the right choice of subject or courses will reduce the un-employment to a great extent. Keeping this in mind, ASWS organized several of one-day Career Guidance Workshops in different places to direct students towards a bright career. Various prominent men and women are part of this program which is very useful for the students. 4. Mazdur Suraksha Yojana: MSY is a Central Government Pension Scheme for the unorganized sector. We have around 375 registered members in this group and many are getting benefit from this scheme. This year 3226 of them re-registered under this scheme and 17 of them whom completed the age of 60, got their pension back. Two of them who died in this year got the claim cleared which was helpful for their families. 5. Awareness Workshop on Lifestyle Diseases and Preventive Measures Today more and more people are falling into the trap of various lifestyle diseases like obesity, heart attack, diabetes, hypertension, (High blood pressure) depression and even cancer. Lifestyle diseases, as the name suggests, are caused by lifestyle habits, and hence they can be prevented by following simple changes in day-to-day life. What is more concerning is that the occurrences of these diseases are becoming higher among youth and small children. Awareness programs on topics such as hectic and tight busy work schedule, smoking habits, use of alcohol, sleepless nights, skipping meals, spending long hours in front computers and unhealthy diets and quick bites at coffee bars are helping many to overcome some of these lifestyle diseases.